Management Aspects of Systems Engineering II

After working through this course you will be able to explain risk and opportunity management and the reasons for its application. You will describe the differences between safety and security and you will be aware of some major standards in his area and their application domain. A second focus of the course is model-based systems engineering (MBSE) enabling a more efficient and structured way to manage and design complex systems.

 (6 ECTS)
Ingenieurwissenschaften, Management und Wirtschaft
Blended Learning mit Präsenzphasen
Angebotszeitraum:  Wintersemester
Anmeldefrist: 15.09.2025
Anbieter: Universität Ulm
Veranstaltungsort: Ulm University
Gebühr im Kontaktstudium: 1290
Gebühr nach Immatrikulation: 1170

Sprache: englisch


  • MBSE:
    1. Modelling with SysML, basics and terms
    2. Use Case analysis
    3. Structure diagrams
    4. Behaviour diagrams
  • Introduction to Risk and Opportunity Management
  • Difference between product safety, functional safety, and security.
  • Indroduction to major standards in this area.
  • Planning using PBS and WBS
  • Introduction to product family engineering and feature models

(90 LP/ECTS) — Berufsbegleitendes Weiterbildungsstudium, 13500 €

(30 LP/ECTS) — Blended Learning mit Präsenzphasen

Fragen zum Angebot? Schreiben Sie uns!



Michael Leute

Sascha Ackva


Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree


The online part of the study programme takes place in self-study and in the form of group work. For the self-study part of the programme, video lectures with detailed information about the contents and an elaborated script are offered. The script has been developed especially for extra-occupational learners in regard to the didactic concept of Ulm University. It contains breaks for independent study, multiple and single choice tests, quizzes, exercises, etc.

Your mentor will offer online seminars in periodic intervals. These seminars will help you to handle the exercises and work on the learning topics. An online forum for exchange with the other students will also be available.


A prerequisite for participation is the completion of Management-Aspects of Systems Engineering I.

Verantwortliche Durchführung

Universität Ulm

Die School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS) ist Ihr Ansprechpartner für Ihre berufsbegleitende wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung an der Universität Ulm. Wir bieten berufsbegleitende Master-Studiengänge als Weiterqualifizierung und einzelne Module der Master-Studiengänge als Zertifikatskurse für eine Vertiefung in einem Fachbereich an.


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